SMAD 203 Portfolio

This website showcases my projects, research and skills from SMAD 203.

This portfolio displays my work in my Foundations of User Experience course throughout the past semester. Below are descriptions of the highlighted projects presented on this site.

  • User Research

    The objective of this assignment was to consider a design question and conduct user research around that question. Then, we needed to come up with research questions and create design requirements based on the research gathered from those answers. We then constructed two fictional personas representing results of our research. Lastly, we created a report that complied all of our work.

  • User Story Narratives

    When creating our User Story Narratives, we first created a user story grid to brainstorm app features and value propositions. We then defined and explained 3 value propositions for our app. Then, we developed 3 user stories based on our user research. Lastly, we chose one of our personas and wrote 2 short narrative stories describing that user’s “pain” and 2 short narrative stories solving those pains with our app. 

  • Information Architecture

    For this assignment, we had to do three things to complete our user stories. First, we created a basic content inventory spreadsheet for our app. Then, we determined the basic content organization and navigation structure for our app. Last, we used Axure to build a static wireframe for the home page that visualizes the information architecture and hierarchy. 

  • Technical Applications of this Project

    For this project, I needed to familiarize myself more with WordPress. To do so, I used various widgets, did theme research to choose which was best for the assignment, and customized my theme.

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