Theme Research

3 Potential Themes:

  • Dosislite
  • Varuna
  • Portfolio

The Dosislite theme is a good option for several reasons. First, it provides an opportunity to showcase work visually by having multiple thumbnail images on the homepage. The titles across the top of the page are easy to read and will help me categorize the work I plan on displaying. The navigation bars are user-friendly which will be beneficial if I divide up my work by classes. The simplicity of this site is appealing because it is easily customizable and also seems very straightforward to use.

The Varuna theme has a lot of great features as well. It allows the user to organize things chronologically. This could be very useful with portfolio work. This theme gives me the option to showcase one large background image on the homepage which could give me a chance to show off some Creative Cloud skills. Lastly, the navigation on this page is very intuitive and user-friendly.

The Portfolio theme is another possibility. This theme has a more professional vibe to it. It gives you the option to connect links to your social media profiles on the homepage which I think is a nice touch. It is different than the other options because it lets the user place images on the homepage and include titles and then descriptions below those as well. I think that this could be helpful when describing the work that I’ve done and presenting it in a simplistic manner.

Ranking of Themes

  1. Portfolio
  2. Dosislite
  3. Varuna

Portfolio is the best option for me to use for my final project. This theme outranked the others because it provides the best layout for my vision of how I want to present my portfolio. This theme will allow me to highlight my best work on the homepage and conveniently create navigation to elaborate on other accomplishments and experiences that people looking at my portfolio might want to learn more about.

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