
While completing this project, I used several different tools that helped me learn a lot more about WordPress and how it works.

Widgets Used:

  • Social Icons – I used this widget so that people interested in finding out more about my design style and personality could discover that with an easy click of a button.
  • Contact Information and Map – This widget was included so that potential future employers would know how to get in contact with me.
  • Text – I included this widget to create an “About Me” section so that the audience of the site could get to know me better.

  • Footer Logo – This widget, the WordPress logo at the bottom of every page, was included because, while it’s a small detail, it is a cleaner and more professional look than the alternative, which is a link to the WordPress homepage.

  • Navigation Menu – I included a clear navigation menu so that the website would be easy to move through.

  • Timeline – I used this widget so that the audience could see the order in which I completed the highlighted assignments on this site. This shows that there is an organization to my work.

  • Countdown – This widget was incorporated to get the reader interested and excited about the work I created.

  • Search bar – This widget was used so that visitors of the site would have a good experience by having to opportunity to gain quick access to whatever it is they might be looking for.

Layout Elements Used:

  • Separators and Spacers – I used these element to separate various sections of information and ensure that information is organized clearly.

  • Columns – I incorporated columns to clearly distinguish different user stories.

  • Media & Text – I used this element, specifically on the homepage, to add an immediate dynamic feel to the site.

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