
1)    “Last weekend I went out for ice cream with my friends for a birthday celebration. I was a little nervous to go because I only like Praline ice cream, which can be a rare find in a lot of stores. When we got to the store, I hopefully looked up at the menu. My eyes scanned the large board over and over again. Sadly, Praline was not on the menu. Since this is the only flavor I like, I didn’t end up getting anything to eat. I was frustrated and disappointed. I sat down at a table with my friends and they all offered me some of their ice cream because they felt bad for me. I honestly felt kind of awkward about not eating anything because I just wanted my friends to enjoy themselves and have fun, but instead they were focused on worrying about me. I just wish we had known whether or not they had Praline before we came. If I had known I would have suggested we go to a different place. I feel bad for being such a picky eater but there’s not a whole lot I can do about it, I just don’t like a lot of other flavors.”

2)    “Last weekend I went out for ice cream with my friends for a birthday celebration. At first, I was planning on not eating anything because we hardly ever go somewhere that has Praline ice cream, which is the only kind that I like. But then I remembered that I had downloaded a new app called Tasty Finds. I opened the app and was able to filter my search by flavors so that results were stores that offered Praline. To my surprise, there were several locations near me that offer Praline! I suddenly was excited to go get food with my friends. I texted my friends and suggested one of the locations that popped up when I conducted my search on Tasty Finds. In the past, I haven’t been able to get ice cream when I go out with friends because I never know if they’ll have Praline. But now with Tasty Finds, I’ll never have to worry about that again! We went to a great location and sure enough, Praline was on the menu. It was great to enjoy my favorite ice cream flavor and eat with my friends.”

1)    “Abby wants to get ice cream in Harrisonburg but she is new to the area and is not very familiar with the local stores. As an ice-cream lover, she’s found herself craving it since the moment she moved to Harrisonburg. Since she doesn’t know where all of the best ice cream stores are in town, she has been driving up and down the main roads near her house to see what she can find. She asked her neighbors if they know of anywhere that is good but they are lactose intolerant so they don’t eat ice cream. She found an address of an ice cream store online and plugged it into her GPS, but it ended up taking her to a Japanese steakhouse. Abby was frustrated. All she wanted was some ice cream. She would go to the grocery store and buy some ice cream, but it’s just not as good as what’s made in-store. She really doesn’t know what to do to discover new and exciting ice cream places in Harrisonburg. She’s discouraged, but hoping that maybe she’ll stumble upon some place that will have the quality ice cream she’s looking for.”

2)    “Abby is new to the area and is determined to figure out where she could find some good ice cream places in Harrisonburg. Luckily for her, she recently learned about the app called Tasty Finds. She opened the app and clicked on the feature labeled “near me.” To her surprise, she found that there were several ice cream places in Harrisonburg not too far from her. In just a few seconds, she had a list of a variety destinations. She didn’t have to drive around town or go knocking on neighbor’s doors or anything! Going to the grocery store to buy ice cream didn’t even cross her mind. When she allowed the app to use her location, the results showed the distance from each ice cream store to her house. Abby was able to click on a location that caught her eye, and it would open in Google Maps. She clicked on Kline’s and decided to drive there. She tried Kline’s ice cream and it melted in her mouth. She was satisfied and glad that she had quickly been able to better familiarize herself with where to go to find her favorite food in Harrisonburg.”

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